I appreciate your interest in poetry. I would like to discuss the writing and revision of free verse poetry. First, examine your style, including its strengths and limitations. Reflect on how your poetry has evolved over time, where you currently stand, and where you intend to take your writing. Begin by checking your poem for consistency to ensure a repetitive rhythm, even in areas of intentional vagueness typical of surrealistic or abstract poetry. There should be a clear direction amid the ambiguities, guiding the reader toward a purposeful, though not always understandable, meaning. Emphasize both the subjective and objective elements while remaining true to the primary intent of the poem. Remember that excessive words may be distracting—trim them, then trim some more. Continue cutting until you have a bare-bones poem. Modern poetry should focus on the emotional core, the poem’s heart. The reader should feel a poignant connection to the poem’s message. Regardless of the type of poetry you write, imagery is essential. Always consider substituting keywords or images during the revision process. Utilize a thesaurus for revision, try to find rhyming synonyms, and help maintain rhythm. Avoid colloquial terms unless you have a specific audience that favors slang and informal, regional, or cultural expressions. An example would be: